20 - 30 minute projects

Ryan Lee - The following documents are samples of documents used throughout a lesson.  These would be used during a longer related discussion, but would take 30 minutes to complete.  Included in each of these documents is an Anticipation Guide, Technical Definition Page, Compare and Contrast Frame/or/Cause Effect, and a writing prompt from a SCAMPER strategy.

Fire Ch. 1 comprehension strategies.docx

Fire Ch. 2 comprehension strategies.doc

Fire Ch. 19 comprehension strategies.doc

Mr. Crawford - Windowpane Activity....Summary: Create a 4 pane window and have the students draw a different characteristic of the concept you have been teaching in each pane....this assignment requires students to "show you" what they know....20-30 Assignment


Robinson - The Amazing Free Car activity is meant for an Algebra class ( I or II).  The activity shows the difference between paying interest on a car loan vs. keeping your money in a money market account and earning interest.  At the end of the activity you will be driving cars paid for by the interest earned in your money market account.  This activity assumes that the economy is not in a slump.  The Amazing Free Car.docx